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Richard Wagner
Chronology |
![Richard Wagner](pics/Wagner.jpg) |
Richard Wagner 1813-1883 |
age |
1813 |
May 22: Richard Wagner born in Leipzig.
November 23: Death of father; Friedrich Wagner. |
RW 0 |
1819 |
Arthur Schopenhauer's book 'Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung' is published. |
RW 6 |
1821 |
September 30: Ludwig Geyer, Richard's stepfather, dies. |
RW 8 |
1827 |
March 26: Death of Ludwig von Beethoven. |
RW 14 |
1828 |
Richard studies at the Nikolai-Gymnasium. |
RW 15 |
1829 |
Richard Wagner sees Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient perform on stage, and decides to become a musician. |
RW 16 |
1831 |
Studies music. Education by Theodor Weinlig. |
RW 18 |
1833 |
Composition of 'die Feen'. |
RW 20 |
1834 |
Musical director in Lauchstädt and Magdeburg.
Relationship with Minna Planer. |
RW 21 |
1835 |
Richard works on the opera 'das Liebesverbot'. |
RW 22 |
1836 |
Uraufführung of 'das Liebesverbot'.
November 24: Richard marries Minna Planer. |
RW 23 |
![Minna Planer](pics/MinnaPlaner.jpg) |
Minna Planer |
1837 |
Musical director in Riga. |
RW 24 |
1838 |
Begins work on the opera 'Rienzi'. |
RW 25 |
1839 |
Flight from Riga. Wagner escapes his creditors. He travels to London and then to Paris. |
RW 26 |
1841 |
Composition of 'der Fliegende Holländer'. |
RW 28 |
1842 |
Richard and Minna leave Paris for Dresden.
October 20: Uraufführung 'Rienzi' in Dresden. |
RW 29 |
1843 |
January 2 : Uraufführung 'der Fliegende Holländer' in Dresden. Wagner takes on the position of Hofkapellmeister in Dresden. |
RW 30 |
1844 |
Wagner works on 'Tannhäuser'.
October 15: Birth of Friedrich Nietzsche. |
RW 31 |
1845 |
October 19: Uraufführung 'Tannhäuser' in Dresden.
August 25: Birth of Ludwig II. |
RW 32 |
1846 |
Begins composition of 'Lohengrin'. |
RW 33 |
1848 |
January 9: Death of Richard's mother.
Wagner gets involved in politics and becomes a revolutionary.
Genesis of 'der Ring des Nibelungen'. |
RW 35 |
![The Ring](pics/ring.jpg) |
The Ring of the Nibelung. |
1849 |
Wagner plays an active role in the failed revolution of May. He flees to Switzerland. |
RW 36 |
1850 |
Exile in Zürich.
August 28: Uraufführung 'Lohengrin' in Weimar, under direction of Franz Liszt. |
RW 37 |
1852 |
Wagner completes 'Ring-poem' in Zürich. |
RW 39 |
1853 |
Musical inspiration to compose prelude to 'das Rheingold'. |
RW 40 |
1854 |
Wagner reads Schopenhauer's 'Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung' (only now, I fully understand my own Wotan).
First ideas for 'Tristan & Isolde'. |
RW 41 |
![Arthur Schopenhauer](pics/schopenhauer2.jpg) |
Arthur Schopenhauer |
1856 |
March 23: Completion of 'die Walküre'. Wagner starts with the first sketches of Siegfried (completed in 1871). |
RW 43 |
1857 |
Asylum at the Wesendonck's. Relationship between Richard and Minna deteriorates. On August 9, Wagner completes the sketches to the 2nd act of Siegfried. Wagner begins with 'Tristan & Isolde'. |
RW 44 |
1858 |
The affair between Richard and Mathilde Wesendonck causes a separation between Richard and Minna. Richard leaves for Venice, and Minna goes to Dresden. |
RW 45 |
1859 |
Completion of 'Tristan & Isolde'. |
RW 46 |
1860 |
September 21: Arthur Schopenhauer dies. |
RW 47 |
1861 |
Tannhäuser-scandal in Paris. |
RW 48 |
1862 |
Last meeting between Richard and Minna, in Biebrich. |
RW 49 |
1863 |
Wagner and Cosima von Bülow meet in Berlin, and declare they belong to each other. |
RW 50 |
1864 |
King Ludwig II invites Wagner to Munich. It is a gift from heaven, to the totally disillusioned and bankrupt Wagner. Cosima von Bülow moves in with Wagner. |
RW 51 |
1865 |
April 10: Birth of Isolde, first child of Richard and Cosima.
June 10: Uraufführung of 'Tristan & Isolde' in Munich.
Wagner begins autobiography 'Mein Leben'. Completion 2nd act Siegfried.
December 10: Wagner is forced to leave Bavaria. |
RW 52 |
![Opera House Munich](pics/opera house munich.jpg) |
The opera house in Munich. |
1866 |
January 25: Death of Minna Wagner-Planer. Wagner in Tribschen. |
RW 53 |
1867 |
Cosima in Tribschen. Eva, second child of Richard and Cosima is born on February 17. |
RW 54 |
1868 |
June 21: Uraufführung 'die Meistersinger' in Munich.
November 8: Leipzig, first encounter between Wagner and Nietzsche.
November 16: Cosima permanently moves in with Wagner in Tribschen, never to leave his side. |
RW 55 |
1869 |
Friedrich Nietzsche starts visiting Tribschen on a regular basis.
March 1: Wagner begins with the 3rd act of Siegfried.
June 6: Birth of Siegfried Wagner.
September 22: Uraufführung 'das Rheingold' in Munich.
October 2: Wagner starts with Götterdämmerung (completion in 1874). |
RW 56 |
1870 |
June 26: Uraufführung 'die Walküre' in Munich.
July 18: Official divorce of Cosima and Hans von Bülow.
July 19: War between Germany and France.
August 25: Richard and Cosima marry in Luzern. |
RW 57 |
1871 |
January 18: Wilhelm I is proclaimed German Emperor.
Wagner chooses Bayreuth as location for his Festspiele.
February 5: Completion of Siegfried. |
RW 58 |
1872 |
The Wagners move to Bayreuth.
May 22: First stone is laid for the construction of the Festspielhaus. |
RW 59 |
![Das Festspielhaus](pics/festspielhaus.jpg) |
Das Festspielhaus in Bayreuth. |
1874 |
April 28: The Wagner family settles in house 'Wahnfried'.
November 21: Wagner completes Götterdämmerung and therewith the Ring of the Nibelung. |
RW 61 |
1875 |
First rehearsals in Bayreuth. |
RW 62 |
1876 |
August 13: Start of the first Bayreuther Festspiele with 'der Ring des Nibelungen'. Wagner and Nietzsche see each other in Sorrento, one last time. |
RW 63 |
1877 |
Wagner begins working on Parsifal. |
RW 64 |
1882 |
January 13: Parsifal completed.
July 26: Start of the second Bayreuther Festspiele with Parsifal.
In September, Wagner with his family, travels to Venice. |
RW 69 |
1883 |
February 13: Death of 'Der Meister' in Venice. †
February 18: Funeral of Richard Wagner in Bayreuth. |
RW 69 |